Became an independent state on September 3, 1971 (national celebration day is December 18)
Population (not including foreign workers) of over 825,000 (2008)
GDP real growth rate of over 8% (2007)
Oil and gas account for more than 60% of the GDP, 85% of export earnings, and 70% of government revenues
Proved oil reserves in excess of 15 billion barrels (over 20 years of supply at present output)
Proved natural gas reserves in excess of 25 trillion cubic meters (15% of the world’s total and the 3rd largest in the world)
Top liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter
Capital (and largest city) is Doha
Doha International Airport is located 5 km from Doha’s city centre (the airport services 23 regional and international airlines and is the hub of the award winning Qatar Airways)
Qataris’ enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the world due to their government’s provision of “world class” health care and education (all free)
Qatar has no income tax and is also one of the two least-taxed sovereign states in the world

World's longest marine causeway to boost Bahrain's role as economic hub []